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2021 Mw7.4 Maduo EQ (China)


3D displacement field

螢幕快照 2022-10-27 下午4.02.02.png

Liu et al. (2022)

The faulting mechanism of this earthquake is an oblique normal faulting with significant left-lateral component. The coseismic deformation also showed relevant displacement pattern with sinistral deformation accompanied by smaller vertical motion. This 3D displacement field was inverted by results from Pixel-Offset Tracking (POT) using Sentinel-1 images. 

Some vertical uplift was observed along the fault. This might be erroneous since this faulting mechanism should be extensional rather than compressional. However, published studies also revealed regional uplift and subsidence along the fault (Liu et al., 2022). Possible explanation could be the shape of the fault. Since it is a left-lateral fault, if the fault trace made a small turn, some places might experience compressional stress that results in pressure ridges. Others may experience extensional stress that leads to pull-apart basins.

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