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2021 Mw7.2 Haiti EQ (Haiti)


UD displacement field

finite fault model.png

EW displacement field

map view.png

Left: Finite slip model (USGS)

Right: Map view of the model (USGS)

This inverted displacement field is only a 2D (EW and UD) displacement field derived from Sentinel-1 images using multiple sets of range offset. Four pairs of ascending and four pairs of descending range offsets was stacked and noisy pixels were masked out if the pixel values were unstable. The noise level of azimuth displacement obtained from Sentinel-1 images was too high to correctly reconstruct the 3D displacement field for this case. Nevertheless, it might still be adequate to solve for only EW and UD displacement since the fault was approximately East-West trending with both apparent strike and dip slip components.


The vertical motion of the surface was more localized just west of the epicenter, while the horizontal movement was more significant farther west of the epicenter. Additionally, the vertical motion was larger than horizontal movement. This deformation pattern coincides with the fault slip model inverted by USGS which dip-slip component was higher near the epicenter and strike-slip component was observed west of the epicenter.

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