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2018 Mw6.4 Hualien EQ (Taiwan)

3D displacement field

Interpolated 3D displacement field

fusion flow.png

Fusion processing flow

The 3D displacement field was inverted with 4 azimuth displacements and 2 LOS displacements resolved by MAI, POT and DInSAR using ALOS-2 images, respectively. The azimuth displacement field was first combined to both maintain the spatial resolution and have reasonable displacement results at low coherence areas. The processing flow is shown above.


The overall deformation pattern across the Milun and the Lingding fault was sinistral. Surface uplift and subsidence were found on the east and southwest side of the Milun fault. It was documented that the Milun fault slipped in 1951 during the longitudinal valley earthquake series and the slip sense was the same as 1951.

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